Facts and trivia about the two-wheeled world

The GIVI Explorer experts constantly source and share information and news about the two-wheeled world. Which apps do motorcycle tourists use? Which are the most comfortable tourers on the market? Where’s a good place to camp for the night? Read our editorials on motorcycle tours and learn all the news in the sector.

Travel books
Every journey starts in the mind, as we at GIVI Explorer know well. That’s why we like to publicise certain books that we find particularly interesting. From books of photos from motorcycle tours, to thrilling tales of adventure, all written by bikers who want to share their stories with enthusiasts like you.

What new tourer motorcycles are coming out? Which apps make life easier for motorcycle tourists? And which road maps are the best? Like the followers of any interest, motorcyclists also like to stay up-to-date on news in their sector.

Facts and trivia
From the most unique honeymoons to how to budget when travelling the world by motorcycle, this section is designed to keep your spirit of adventure alive.