Trawelling with Wizz
Traveling by Motorcycle towards the East
Following years of preparation and waiting, I did not miss the chance of a completely free summer last year: I arranged it with Arianna and we pointed the wheels of our motorcycles towards the East.

Motorcycle trip itinerary to the East

The protagonists
Wizz and Arianna
The protagonists
Wizz and Arianna
I am 30 and have lived in Romagna for what seems like forever. I like to take advantage of every minute of my free time, climbing and cycling and taking part in Athletics. Riding my motorcycle makes it possible to turn any journey into an adventure, even the daily commute to work in any season of the year. I do prefer the winter. Even though like many people, I do not like the cold I can stand it better than the heat and the snow gives the landscape a unique look which repays the hardships endured.
I am 25 years old and I was born in Brescia. Besides my love for travelling – and constant changes – I have never had any firm certainty in life, except the fact that I wanted to write, to communicate my emotions to the world and provide a permanent record of my feelings. Hence after gaining a degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing and four years working as a journalist for a local newspaper, I enrolled in a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing. I alternated my educational experiences with travel around the world which was equally educational.